TikTok is the most popular video streaming platform of the 21st century. It has over 1.53 billion active users.
One thing about Tik Tok is that it always brings something new to the global market including challenges and compiled videos. With the massive amount of users, anything funny or something new easily becomes viral all over the globe.
"Zach King's Magic Ride" is the most viral video on TikTok and has over 2.2 billion views. Other viral videos include 'James Charles Christmas Sisters Party' and 'Zach King's Unexpected Hiding Spots'.
The social media platform has the ability to make anything viral. Challenges like 'In 2022, I Will', 'The Shoot in the Sky', and 'Simple recipe for making Birria Ramen Noodles' spread like wildfire overnight.
Similarly, the 'Write Your Name' TikTok challenge has also gathered popularity among users. It made its way to other social media including Instagram and YouTube.
Numerous people tried this challenge, and only some of them succeeded. So what is this #WriteYourNameWithoutLiftingYourPen challenge?
How To Do The Write Your Name Challenge?
The trend Write Your Name challenge is not an easy dare. It requires a certain level of tricks to complete.
Numerous people tried the challenge and failed it. So what is the best way to complete the trending task?
Well, it requires just a pen and a piece of paper. The first thing you need to know is cursive writing; the second is just a little practice.
It may sound easy, but you need clarification when writing your name. That will cause you to remove the tip of your pen from the paper. Eventually, that will lead to the failure of the Challenge.
@_signcreator How to write in cursive vo: studywithsoybean #fyp #howtowriteincursive #cursive #howto #writing #signcreator #cursivewritingtutorial ♬ Cool Kids - Echosmith
So, you must practice little cursive writing, and then the challenge is easy as flicking the coin in the air. Practice and little knowledge of cursive handwriting are enough for this trendy task.
You may be able to succeed in the challenge, but the result can be unsatisfactory. As it requires a continuous level of cursive writing practice. For better writing, the key is to practice daily till you perfect the writing method.
People post the video and add the hashtag '#Writeyournamechallenge' in captions. The hashtag has massive numbers of views and videos on TikTok. The challenge is less popular than the Whipped Cream Challenge, but it created a certain wave on social media.
How Did The Write Your Name Challenge Started?
@unapologeticallysamantha 💙#challenge #writeyournamechallenge #blue #happyday #satisfying ♬ Write Your Name - zebkiiThe quest started in 2019, and still, people try to compete in the challenge. Indeed it is a skillful challenge.
Only a few numbers of people to were about to complete the challenges back then. The challenge became a major hit back in 2020. To this day, people try to complete the challenge.
Often people use this dare while studying for exams as it makes their mood fresh. However, it is not popular, but people love doing this dare while bored.
The challenge is popular among writers and students. The majority of people who competed were good at writing. While others just took part for fun.
Write Your Name Videos On TikTok
@m.a.d_creator Reply to @viri.214 🙏🏼 #writingvideos #cursivechallenge #handwritingchallenge #foryou #handwritingcheck #writingchallenge #foryou ♬ Angel of Mine - Monica
There are massive numbers of Write Your Name Challenge videos on TikTok.
Vernier929 posted his video with #WriteYourNameChallenge on February 6, 2019. He added the caption that it is impossible to write his name or surname without removing the pen because his name had an 'i' on it, and he had to dot the 'i'.
Again in 2020, dab_queenreno uploaded the challenge video. She tried writing her name several times, but she failed every time. The video received some positive comments and lots of views.
Numerous people tried the challenge and uploaded it on TikTok. Even people linked this trend to signatures. If you don't know cursive, how can you do signatures on important documents?
As cursive is the basis for doing the sign. Besides TikTok, people uploaded the challenge videos on Twitter. Girlforgone posted the challenge video on Twitter on February 23, 2023, and it received 2500 views.
Also, a TikTok compilation video of the Write Your Name Challenge is on YouTube. It contains beautiful short clips of people completing the cursive writing challenges easily.