Where is Curtis Theo Jones Today? He is incarcerated for his ex-girlfriend Cristi's murder attempt in an Arkansas correction facility.
Curtis Theo Jones's strange behavior ended when he shot his ex-girlfriend Cristi on January 21, 2015.
In January 2017, he was apprehended and pleaded guilty, including attempted murder, terroristic аction, аggrаvаted аssаult on а fаmily or household member, and convicted felon in possession of а fireаrm.
Where Is Curtis Theo Jones Today?
Curtis Theo Jones is spending his sentence for 130 years in an Arkansas correction facility.
With the assistance of public defender Matt Stephens, Curtis pled guilty to 12 charges before Circuit Judge Carlton Jones.
He shot a lady in her Texarkana, Ark., garage on January 21, 2015, resulting in 11 charges.
Jones was also charged with an allegation of domestic burglary originating from a December 2014 break-in at the victim's house.
Curtis was sentenced to 30 years in prison for attempted murder and 40 years in jail for terroristic acts.
Similarly, three 20-year terms for three additional shots fired in the victim's garage.
These five sentences will be carried out for a total of 130 years.
Where is Curtis Theo Jones Now? https://t.co/aTjK1RjRmv
Was Cristi's Boyfriend Ever Found?
Cristi's boyfriend was Curtis Theo Jones. However, she didn't want to continue with the relationship with Jones.
Practically, Curtis was an ex-boyfriend of Cristi who was appended for attempted murder and assault and sent to jail for his violent behavior.
Cristi had enough and ended her relationship with Curtis, cutting off all communication in the process.
Curtis, on the other hand, was not impressed.
Meanwhile, he continued to call and contact her regularly, and he would show up at her house.
According to court records, Curtis Jones was physically and emotionally aggressive even threatened not only the victim but also her family.
Curtis damaged the woman's home and belongings, and she requested that he pay her $5,000 to leave her alone.
Despite a protection order granted weeks before the shooting, the woman paid the money, but the stalking continued.
MAN ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER The Texarkana Arkansas Police Department has arrested Curtis Theo Jones, W/M... http://t.co/uAw48AcNqR
Curtis Theo Jones Murder Update.
Curtis Theo Jones shot Cristi at her home in Texarkana, Arkansas, at 8 p.m. on January 21, 2015.
According to her statement later, someone wearing a ski mask appeared, walked up to the driver's side window, and began yelling.
The intruder drew a revolver on Cristi and shot four times before she could move the car out of the driveway.
While one of the bullets struck Cristi in the leg, the others struck her car and clothes. Cristi somehow survived the attack.
In a civil suit last year, the victim was given a judgment of over $275,000 against Curtis Jones.
Curtis will not be eligible for parole until he has served about 27 years of his sentence.
According to Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Chuck Black, Jones will be close to 80 years old when parole officials consider him released.